/* TEAM */ Your title: David Site: gr8.promo Location: Anywhere, HQ is Brisbane and Gold Coast Contact: E: david /* THANKS */ Name: Ying Zhao () for client management. /* SITE */ Last update: 2021/03/07 Why: Site redesign and code upgrade. Standards: HTML5, CSS3, ES6, NodeJS Components: CDN imgix.com, DNS dnsmadesimple.com Software: VSCode, barebones editor (beta) /* SITE VALIDATION */ TotalValidator: Software SCORE: Web Page Test Org: https://www.webpagetest.org/ (from Sydney EC2) SCORE: WCAG: https://wave.webaim.org/ SCORE: GTMetrix: https://gtmetrix.com/ (from Sydney) SCORE: Mozilla Observatory: https://observatory.mozilla.org/ SCORE: PageSpeed Insights : https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ SCORE: Qualys SSL Labs : https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ SCORE: /* REVIEW PAGE */ Review URL: https://gr8.fyi/8n8ag